Our Caring Guides are compassionate individuals who walk with a donor family to help them navigate their personal grief journey by building a supportive peer-to-peer relationship. This peer-to-peer grief support is available at no cost to each individual in the family—and to the family as a whole.

All of our Caring Guides have personally experienced the loss of a loved one. In addition to this lived experience, our Caring Guides have participated and completed a comprehensive grief support training workshop. As certified grief peer professionals, our Caring Guides walk with donor families to help them find strength again.

Interested in learning more about how you can become a Caring Guide?

Please click here.


“I love your way of thinking and your words of encouragement. I have told just about everyone I know how much you are helping me cope.”

“I appreciate you for listening to me even when I don’t know what to say sometimes or how to open up about my situation.”

“You don’t know how much better I feel after talking to (my Caring Guide), it’s like I can tell her everything without being judged or criticized.”

“I’m realizing now more than ever how much my family needs this.”

“I feel like you just know and understand me.”

"You have made this process easy and comfortable. Thank you."